Time Mersing:

Ferry departure times

Click on the month you want to travel to see the available ferry times to Tioman.
Once you've decided on your dates and times, you can book your ferry tickets below.

Mersing Ferry Terminal:

Tanjung Gemok Ferry Terminal: N.A.

[NOTE: Tanjung Gemuk is also called Teluk Gading]

1) One Way or Return
2) Start location (From) and destination (To)
3) Travel date/s
4) Number of Passengers
5) Book Now. This opens a new window, to transaction provider Busonlineticket.

Pro Tip: Not sure which jetty to exit the ferry? You can choose any of the jetties in the form, because the ferry typically (though there's the occasional exeption) goes to each of the jetties listed.

[No availability for your dates? Click here]

Once you've booked your ferry, your boarding passes can be collected here. Not sure how to get to Mersing? Click here for various transport options.


Most impressed...
Most impressed...

Both my husband and myself said how well organized the transfer to and from Singapore was. Thank you for everything that you did - we were most impressed with the whole service.

Caroline UK
Greatest help!!
Greatest help!!

Thank you soooo much!! Thanks to you I will be able to catch my bus! Greatest help!!

Helene Holland

The trip was awesome.

Zul Malaysia
Everything went smooth...
Everything went smooth...

Just wanted to say how great your staff was in Mersing. Everything went smooth. Thanks for the service.

Jason Singapore

Do you want to book ferry tickets?

Click hereFerry to Tioman Island



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Six destinations in Tioman


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